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Live Crowd

Party Group


With College as a backdrop, four students forge relationships and deal with a horrible event: when one of them is raped and another is childhood friends with the rapist.

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Party DJ B&W


The Party group has 4 key characters: Keala, Carolina, Josh and Tessa. Our story starts the day of a Fraternity Party in which Josh, who brings Keala, is DJing. Carolina and Tessa also attend the party, except things take a turn for the worst when Tessa is raped by Chad, one of Josh's old high school buddies. Josh continues his music career and has to deal with the fact that someone he knows and cares about committed an unforgivable crime. Keala faces Chad after he joined his fraternity and learned how actually horrible Chad is and decides to leave. Carolina explores the world of Greek life, and ends up meeting Keala through it where they hit off... awkwardly. Carolina tries to help Tessa through such a horrible experience, but it is ultimately Tessa who finds her own way of dealing with the traumatic event, helping bring Chad to justice and make sure nothing like that ever happens again.

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As a freshman from Oahu, Hawaii, Keala must make friends with more people than just his roommate, Josh. In his effort to make more friends, he decides to join a Fraternity, which happens to be the one Chad is in, the rapist. After he learns what the Frat life truly entails and the monster that is Chad, he leaves the frat, and continues to pursue a little love in his life.

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19-year-old Carolina is a sophomore at Southern California University. As a mixed-race student, she struggles with finding her sense of identity and battles with the pressure to narrowly define herself based on campus clubs and organizations.

Half Latina.jpg
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Josh has recently transferred into SCU from San Diego with hopes that it will take his producing career to the next level. While it does bear fruit, SCU may have been a lot more than expected when he runs into his long time friend, Chad. The pressure to finish school weighs on his shoulders, but it never keeps him from providing guidance to the young freshman, Keala.

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Tessa is a white female who refuses to let a horrible event in her past dictate her life. She is friends with Carolina, and their differing personalities can lead to arguments, but are still good friends nonetheless. Tessa has to decide what to do after the incident and works with journalists to get the story told in search fro justice. She decides to drop the Sorority her and Carolina are in and creates SASA.

Blonde Woman
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Chad is a lonely guy with a lot of friends. He desperately tries to make a name for himself as a member of the prestigious Fairchild family; constantly looking to leave his mark as his father and grandfather did before him. He has worked his way to a well known face on campus and on to president of the popular fraternity, Kappa Lambda Psi. He looks to take it a bit further by running for student body president, but one bad choice while looking for approval in all the wrong places may tarnish his future and his place amongst the great Fairchilds.

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